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Re: Favorite Recipes

1998-05-06 18:26:16
Philip Guenther wrote:

Walter Dnes <waltdnes(_at_)interlog(_dot_)com> writes:
A *SPECIAL* favourite just for this list<g>.  Because I
shouldn't have to type in the Reply address manually.  This
one re-writes the "Reply-To:" address.  I have a similar one
for another mailing list that is similarly (mis)configured...

Sounds to me like a problem with your MUA.
  Yes, I'd love a separate "Reply to the 'To:' address"
function, but Netscape either doesn't have it, or has hidden
it very well.

Hmm, so you'll override the Reply-To: that the originator
added if it doesn't go to the list?  That's rather fascist.
What if they felt their question was too specific and wanted
replies to only go to them.  What if they want replies to go
to an address other than the one in the From: header?
  You're talking the 1% exception to the rule.  If somebody
*ASKS* in the message body, for private replies, I can read
and over-ride.  99% of public postings get public replies.  I'm
perfectly willing to do manual overrides 1% of the time, not
99% of the time.


DIAGNOSTIC="///////////////////// Not addressed to me"
| echo $DIAGNOSTIC>>junkmail ; cat - >>junkmail

Umm, this is syntactically incorrect.  The open brace needs
to be before the assignment to DIAGNOSTIC.  Since you get it
right below, I suspect this is a typo.

  Yes... when I do a Win95 "clipboard copy" with my favourite
viewer, any columns with only 1 character at the far left get
copied as a blank line.  I caught the missing brace, but
typed it in manually in the wrong place.  Time for a bug
report.  At least I've paid up, so I can ask for a fix.

Walter Dnes (Toronto)

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