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Re: [PROCMAIL] Re: Sorting with Plus Addressing

1998-05-17 13:33:09
"M.A. Powe" <looie(_at_)teleport(_dot_)com> writes:
"David" == David W Tamkin <dattier(_at_)wwa(_dot_)com> writes:
   David> Is procmail your LDA or are you calling it from ~/.forward?
   David> Procmail will know that something is $1 only if it is
   David> called with the -m or -a option (plus the proper arguments
   David> to that option).  What exactly is the command line when
   David> procmail is invoked?

Procmail is my LDA and is set up in what seems to be the standard
manner in  at least, this follows the example in the
procmail manpage: 

#####  @(#)procmail.m4  8.5 (Berkeley) 12/28/95  #####

Mprocmail,      P=/usr/bin/procmail, F=DFMmShu, S=11/31, R=21/31, \
               A=procmail -m $h $f $u

Well, this is definition of the procmail mailer, not the local mailer.
Furthermore, there's more to plus-addressing support than the
definition of the local mailer.  Ruleset 0 or 5 needs to be set up to
move everything after the + into the 'host' variable ($h).  Unless you
have a strong understanding of sendmail rulesets and rewriting rules,
you should not attempt to add plus-addressing to your, but
instead just install the latest version of sendmail and use the m4 generation tools with a .mc file that contains:

        FEATURE(local_procmail, `/usr/local/bin/procmail')

plus whatever else your site requires.

Philip Guenther

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