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Re: System-wide Procmail

1998-08-12 12:53:41
John Hardin said of system-wide spamtrapping:

|>| If you want to trap spam then modify trapped spam messages to add a header
|>| or change the subject (e.g. by prepending [SPAM]) ...      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
and I made further comments on adding a header or modifying the subject.
Then John replied,

| Which is great in a Unix environment, and I agree it's the preferred
| solution. Windows mail programs tend to throw away headers with gay
| abandon, in the belief that the users don't need to see them.

Well, John, adding a header or modifying the subject were your suggestions
instead of the previous poster's intention of junking mail unseen if the
software thinks it is UCE because all spamtraps have false positives.  All I
wanted to bring out was such mail should not only be spared the bitbucket
but also marked as maybe just possibly spammish without the cocky bravado
of "[SPAM]".

Wherever you want to add a spam marker so that users of Windows mail programs
can see it, the same applies: indicate that it failed the spam filter but not
that it absolutely *is* spam.

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