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Re: [Procmail] Starting Procmail from .vacation.

1998-08-12 14:34:35

  Procmail is located in the following directories for each platform.
  OSF     = $HOME/bin/osf/bin
  Sol     = $HOME/bin/sol/bin
  Sol X86 = $HOME/bin/solx86/bin

 Put all binaries into one directory. Use a script named procmail, and
 name the binaries according the invocation of the script (eg.:
 procmail-sun4u-5.6 for a Solaris 2.6 version on Ultra class machines).
 You may not even need the "uname -m" part for procmail, not too sure.

$ cat procmail-script
exec $0-`uname -m`-`uname -r` "$@"

 Or rename the directories accordingly.

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