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Re: Minor bug in html-trap.procmail

1998-08-14 18:34:08
On Fri, 14 Aug 1998, John D. Hardin wrote:

On Fri, 14 Aug 1998, Eric Eisenhart wrote:

I've also been getting:

procmail: Out of memory
buffer 0: " perl -p -e '        #\
    ' 2>> $LOGFILE"
buffer 1: " perl -p -e '        #\
    ' 2>> $LOGFILE"
  Folder: **Bounced**                    0
procmail: Program failure (141) of " perl -p -e '       #\
    ' 2>> $LOGFILE"
procmail: Rescue of unfiltered data failed

Can anybody here enlighten us as to why procmail might be running out of
memory, and what the "buffer 0:" and "buffer 1:" indicates? 

Solved. Eric had a rather low ulimit set on the sendmail process, which
procmail and perl inherited.

 John Hardin KA7OHZ                               
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