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Debug of a procmail recipe

1998-08-15 09:12:22
Hi folks!
In the never ending quest for perfect mail handling, I banged out the
following recipe:
and thought it was just nifty. I've made a mistake somewhere in that
recipe, and can't find it. I *think* my mistake is not leaving a space
between the colon after "From" and the sender's email address, but would
appreciate a confirmation that this mail is staying in my inbox and not
going anywahere for *that* reason.
I don't want to hog bandwidth unecessarily with a paste from procmail.log,
but will do so if anyone thinks it would help.
As always, TIA
Colin J. Raven
HDS Lab, Inc. Operations Group
Costa Mesa, CA  |  Harrison, NY
"One day I'll know enough to answer a question on the procmail mailing

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