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Re: Ongoing development of SmartList?

1998-10-01 11:55:53
I'm looking into installing SmartList, and noticed that the most recent
version at dates from April 1997.  I
queried the SmartList-request archive server and found no messages from
"Berg" in the current archives.  Has SmartList development come to a stop?

I recall one post-"pre7" patch from SRB to locking.c and perhaps
one more as well, both of these were to procmail, the MDA underlying

Are there other FTP sites with more recent versions, or with patches
available?  In examining the C sources, shell scripts, and rc files that
come with SmartList I've found at least one obvious bug and a number of
seeming inconsistencies, but before fixing things myself I'd like to know
what others may have said/done about them.

Any information is appreciated.

I think most people are just making their own mods as needed.  Some
folks have published URLs for recipe collections.

Perhaps the PM/SL community needs to create a common archive of non-SRB
addenda so that we don't reinvent quite so many wheels ...

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