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Re: Ongoing development of SmartList?

1998-10-06 13:02:38
On Thu, 1 Oct 1998 13:50:28 -0500, drl(_at_)vuse(_dot_)vanderbilt(_dot_)edu 
(David R. Linn) wrote:
Are there other FTP sites with more recent versions, or with patches
available?  In examining the C sources, shell scripts, and rc files that
come with SmartList I've found at least one obvious bug and a number of
seeming inconsistencies, but before fixing things myself I'd like to know
what others may have said/done about them.
Any information is appreciated.
I think most people are just making their own mods as needed.  Some
folks have published URLs for recipe collections.
Perhaps the PM/SL community needs to create a common archive of non-SRB
addenda so that we don't reinvent quite so many wheels ...

I've been in touch with Chris Lindsey about this -- he put up his own
patches on the NCSA server and I would imagine that he would have
space for more if need be. Alternatively, or complementarily, I have
been toying with some ideas for this. If somebody would like to help
out, I have some ideas for things that would need to be done,
primarily in the area of requesting permission from various patch
authors to publish their work.

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