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messageid filtering

1998-10-14 09:38:23

Sanity check: I just want to check that a tweak that appears necessary
shouldn't have any adverse effects.

One of various spam detection filters I have is as follows:

* ^From:(_dot_)*(_at_)aol\(_dot_)com
* ! ^Message-[Ii][Dd]:.*aol\.com
        LOG="SPAM: forged AOL$TWITVER"

        |gzip -9fc>>$MAILDIR/twits.gz

What this does is says that if the From contains an aol domain, the
Message-ID had better as well, otherwise it is forged (I have yet to get a
piece of mail junked by this rule that ISN'T spam).  I have several others
for various national ISPs as well, and on some, I also do inverse checking:
if the message-id is the domain, the FROM better be as well.

My problem:  A spam got through yesterday, which I would have THOUGHT would
have been caught by the above rule, but on closer evaluation:

        From: doa58(_at_)aol(_dot_)com (TF)

The domain portion STARTS with, rather than ends with it.  GAAK!
I've got to update the rules - I expect this was done just this way in
order to foil basic checks similar to mine.

I should be able to just change the messageid rule to include a closing
bracket, but does anyone see a problem with doing this?

* ! ^Message-[Ii][Dd]:.*aol\.com\>

(I realize that the escapes probably aren't necessary, but I just tend to
do things that way)

 Please DO NOT carbon me on list replies.  I'll get my copy from the list.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering
 Post Box 2395 / San Rafael, CA  94912-2395

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