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Re: How to alter Subject

1998-11-11 04:12:19
Regarding my question about altering Subject, I've ended up with a recipe

   * !^Subject:[    ]*\[Cirrus\]
   * ^Subject:[     ]*\/[^    ].*
   | formail -I"Subject: [Cirrus]$MATCH"

This one does the job, but if mails are replyed back and forward, the
recipe add [Cirrus] to the Subject every time... This gives me Subject
lines like:

Subject: Re: [Cirrus] Fw: [Cirrus] About whatever..

I ONLY want it to add [Cirrus] when this word IS NOT present in current

Best regards
Inge Balswick
* Snail-Mail: Inge Balswick, Kanadaveien, N-3520 Jevnaker, NORWAY  *
* E-mail job: iba(_at_)statoil(_dot_)com   Private: 
inge(_dot_)balswick(_at_)edbasa(_dot_)no   *
* Private: +47 61314565  Cellular: +47 91105803  Fax: +47 91031902 *
* Cirrus RC Flyklubb:  webmaster(_at_)cirrus-rcfk(_dot_)no *
* It's hard to soar like an eagle, when you work with turkeys...   *

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