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Re: procmail issues with majordomo

1998-11-13 12:27:30
Are there any procmail issues with majordomo that I need to consider? 
If any, shall I install procmail before I install majordomo?

Generally speaking, the two shouldn't have much overlap.  It all depends
on how you'll be using procmail, majordomo, and whatever your MTA 
is (sendmail, qmail, exim, etc.) 

If you're using procmail as an LDA (local delivery agent), I would
recommend installing it before majordomo just because it's at a more basic
level -- if you start mucking around with your sendmail configuration
after you have working lists you might break everything.  Better to
break just one thing than two.

Anyhow, majordomo usually uses aliases that call certain binaries
directly, thus bypassing the LDA.  It should only need procmail if you
wrap your aliases with it (as I do), or if members on the list have
local accounts -- in that case the messages are passed off to procmail
on an individual basis.


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