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Re: turning body into header

1998-12-08 15:35:33
Bill Houle <bhoule(_at_)sandiegoca(_dot_)ncr(_dot_)com> writes:
The RedHat RPM installation of Majordomo has misconfigured headers
that I see as:

      From: majordomo-owner(_at_)domain
      To: me

      Subject: MajorCool 1.3.2 Success!
      Reply-To: majordomo-owner(_at_)domain

In normal installations, Subject/Reply-To is part of the headers,
and the lone "on" in the body proper is actually part of the previous 

What I would like is to munge the incoming mail and remove that
erroneous blank line, merging the Subject back where it belongs.
This will allow it to fall through to my usual notification process.
At the same time, I'd like to fire off a you-are-broken message to
let the RedHat site know.

        # If the header doesn't have a valid Subject: line, but the body
        # starts with one, delete the blank line between them, so that
        # the first blank line in the body will become the separator.
        :0 fhw
        * ! ^Subject:.*MajorCool
        * B ?? ^^Subject:.*MajorCool
        | sed '/^$/d'

Philip Guenther

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