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Re: "Virtual recipients" processing without actual user accounts

1999-01-15 15:33:35
Philip Guenther wrote in response to Elmar Bins,

| Delivery mode is invoked using the -d flag.  All arguments are the -d
| are usernames.  It is usually used by the MTA to deliver mail to users,
| and indeed, procmail will return failure if it is given an invalid
| username.

Procmail will work in delivery mode only if it is setuid root, if it is
invoked with the ruid of the recipient named in -d, or, under certain OSes
where the build routines have determined that it is safe, if the euid is
that of the recipient and the egid is the recipient's login group.

| Mailfilter mode is invoked using the -m flag.  It accepts only one
| rcfile as an argument -- other arguments are either variable
| assignments or arguments that are made availible to the rcfile itself
| as $1, $2, etc.

Only one rcfile can be named on the command line, but names of other rcfiles
can be passed in the positional parameters to be used later in INCLUDERC

| If the specified rcfile is located under
| /etc/procmailrc/ then procmail will take on the uid of the owner of
| that file.

That should be /etc/procmailrcs/.  /etc/procmailrc is the rcfile that
procmail -d reads and should not be a directory.

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