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Re: URGENT: Looking for Procmail expert

1999-01-28 17:50:10
At 01:48 PM 1/28/99 -0800, Professional Software Engineering wrote:

This is simple to accomplish.  Up at the top of my .procmailrc:

# This makes sure we're running only one copy at a time.  This is necessary
# in order to avoid problems arising from the heavy load which aggressive
# spam filtering places on the system - multiple messages eat lots of memory


Well, procmail must be running per message in order to process the above
statement at all.  At least it won't be able to clone all your greps
for more than one message at once, though.

But... *exactly* *when* does procmail read in the message;
the first time it "needs" it (presumably after things like the above
at the start of .procmailrc), or right away (in which case the
message has already consumed the memory it needs by the time the
LOCKFILE is set?

Just wondering,

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