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Re: reading message before rcfile

1999-01-29 13:41:58
Philip Guenther <guenther(_at_)gac(_dot_)edu> writes:

Procmail's operation runs something like this:

      Parse command line flags (-d, -p, -f, -m, etc)
      Clean up the environment
      Figure out whether the invoking user is 'trusted'
      Setup signals and file descriptors
      Handle the "From " line
      Read in the entire message
      If in the delivery mode, fork for each user (one at a time)

At or before this point it also does:

        Check mailbox ownership and rename it to BOGUSxxx if it's wrong

      Become the correct user
      Set ORGMAIL, HOME, DEFAULT; set the umask
      if not mailfilter mode, screen $ORGMAIL (check for links, permissions)
      Handle command line assignments; set up $1, $2, etc
      LOOP: {
              Open an rcfile
              LOOP: {
                  process a line
              } while there are lines
      } while there are rcfiles left.
      if we haven't delivered the message yet {
          save to $DEFAULT
          if that failed, save to $ORGMAIL
      process TRAP
      if EXITCODE is set, exit with the specified value
      if we failed to deliver the message, exit with EX_CANTCREAT
      else exit with EXIT_SUCCESS

That step probably wasn't important for the discussion you
were involved in, but it does represent an item that makes
procmail problematic at my site.

Procmail checks mailbox ownership and renames the mailbox
before it becomes the unprivileged user.  That's correct
when the mailbox is in a common mail directory (i.e. /var/mail),
but it has problems when mailboxes are in home directories.

When mailboxes are in home directories, procmail is doing the
check and rename while it's still running with root permissions.
If the user's home directory is incorrect in the /etc/passwd
file, procmail will rename the wrong mailbox and put the mail
message into the wrong home directory.  In my case, some users
were created with "/" as their home directory, and procmail
stuffed their mail into the root directory.

To a large extent, this isn't procmail's problem.  The /etc/passwd
file should be corrected.  Still, I wish procmail could, when
compiled with HOMEDIRMAIL, either perform the checks after becoming
the user (so directory permissions could prevent mis-delivered mail),
or bail out of the delivery when the home directory isn't owned by
the user.


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