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procmail/sendmail/virtual user table

1999-01-28 13:36:35
        I have procmail 3.11p7 with sendmail. I am using procmail 
directly in sendmail for local mail delivery. I have virtual user tables 
for sendmail. I removed the F=w flag in so I do not depend on 
a user existing in /etc/paswd.  So far so good. sendmail seems to tell 
procmail (I can see that in the log) to take mail for foo(_at_)bar(_dot_)com 
drop it bar_foo per the virtual user table

My question is:
The problem is procmail barfs saying no such user. 

procmail: Unknown user <bar_foo>
550 <foo(_at_)bar(_dot_)com>... User unknown

Now if I create a /etc/passwd entry for bar_foo procmail is happy. I want 
to avoid doing that and achiece the following:

deliver the mail as long as the user exists in sendmails virtual user 
table or bounce it back.

Is this possible or am I barking up the wrong tree?

I am not on the list so if you can reply to me also, it would be 



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