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Re: Macros Errors

1999-02-28 20:33:47
To Whom,

Date: Sat, 27 Feb 1999 14:00:59 +0200 (EET)
From: era eriksson <era(_at_)iki(_dot_)fi>
To: deedsmis(_at_)ris(_dot_)net

On Sat, 27 Feb 1999 03:45:54 -0700, deedsmis(_at_)ris(_dot_)net wrote:
 > I'm using procmail-3.11-1.i386.rpm and I'm not able to get
 > '^FROM_DAEMON' or '^FROM_MAILER' to work at all in a recipe!

Procmail version? What does the input look like? Have you tried
VERBOSE logging? Perhaps you could post an example?

Below, I'll show validity that proves '^FROM_DAEMON' and '^FROM_MAILER' in
procmail-3.11-1.i386.rpm are definitely buggy. And in addition to that, I'll 
'^TO_' is also buggy.

In the following is a very simple script. Nothing unusual about the way it is
constructed or in anyway out of line with the proper syntax. The following 
can be rearranged in any format that is in line with the recipe rules and it 
still filter the mail:

* ^(From.*|TO)
"Technical Support.sbd/linux.sbd/Red Hat"

For instance: In the following are some altercations that work just as well as 
above script. By the way, the above script has been working just as it was
intended. In addition to that... all mail is read in Communicator (Netscape) 
all the properly sorted mailings, but that has no relevance, because filtering 
done prior to encountering Netscape:

# Switching the carrot:
* (^From.*|^TO)
"Technical Support.sbd/linux.sbd/Red Hat"

# Removing the period after '^From':
* (^From*|^TO)
"Technical Support.sbd/linux.sbd/Red Hat"

Now this is where it gets very self-evident that '^FROM_DAEMON', '^FROM_MAILER',
and '^TO_' are wacky! Not to mention, contradictory and deceptively corrupted
according to procmailrc man page.

First, I'd like to state some ground rules that are in complete accordance with 
man pages: '^FROM_MAILER' is definitely a smaller representation of 
and both of them cover a wide range of header fields (including my script) that
deal with where e-mail is coming from. '^TO_' is only just a extra step larger 
'^TO', which represents (again, including my script) where things are going.

Now, I have stated the previous paragraph in a nutshell to show that I'm 
aware of the properties of each macro and their proper functions. So, to get on
with the show! Here's each of them in their natural environment:

"Technical Support.sbd/linux.sbd/Red Hat"

And for the biggy, '^FROM_DAEMON':

"Technical Support.sbd/linux.sbd/Red Hat"

None of these work, because my 'DEFAULT=$MAILDIR/Inbox' in conjunction with
'MAILDIR=$HOME/nsmail' is exactly where the mail ends up after the filtering
process is complete. And, none of them disrupt each other (their working
independently of each other), because the logical vertical line 'or' separates 

As of recently, I've completely done away with any of the macros. I held out my
last hopes for 'TO', instead I realize that not even it is working correctly.
Everything in my recipes is entirely manual, so to speak. I hope this error gets
rectified soon, because extra coding in the recipes would be m-u-c-h shorter 
the macros instead.


P.'S. Detailed Documentation(s) and Sample(s) are more than welcome!

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