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AIX 4.3.2 Problems

1999-03-02 07:32:19

I've just compiled procmail-3.11pre7 under AIX 4.3.2. But after having
installed the binaries (with proper setuid bits), it never gets called
anymore from my .forward file.

Previously we had a version compiled under 3.2.5 running under 4.3.2
and this seemed to work.

Can anyone tell me how to properly compile and install procmail under
AIX 4.3.2 ?

P.S.: When doing a test run (procmail $HOME/.procmailrc < <file>) it core
      dumps on line 602 in regexp.c:


Thanks in advance,

    In the mountains of truth, you never climb in vain - Nietzsche
#          __     | Humphrey Clerx              tel: +31-(0)43-3661379
 \_O      /  \    | Eurocontrol Maastricht UAC  fax: +31-(0)43-3661300
,__/>    (_  _)   | Horsterweg 11
  <"     __][__   | NL-6191 RX  Beek(l)
   '     ------   | The Netherlands           PGP 6.0.2i Key available

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