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Re: Procmail

1999-03-11 19:56:02
Dave Desrochers <rapidfin(_at_)rapidfinder(_dot_)com> writes:
I am on and am trying to evoke procmail. My server claims
total ignorance.

This is my .forward file
"| IFS=' ' && exec /usr/local/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 # rapidfin"
I have put both files into my $HOME dir and also in the /usr/local/bin/dir

I can not get the incoming mail to find the procmail program

When you do the above (create a .forward and .procmailrc), do messages
to you bounce, or do they go through as if nothing was different?  If
the latter, then you'll need to either talk to your ISP about how to
make a .forward file work, or switch to a system of filtering messages
through procmail on a regular basis post-arrival on the system.

If the messages bounce, what does the bounce message say?

Philip Guenther

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