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Re: procmail -c -- check .procmailrc?

1999-04-02 10:07:04
On Fri, 02 Apr 1999 00:35:50 -0600, Philip Guenther 
Jeff <schaller(_at_)southwind(_dot_)net> writes:
It hit me just now as I was fiddling with my .procmailrc and perl in close
time proximity.  Is there a program similar to "perl -c" that would
sanity-check a .procmailrc?
Not really, but there are approximations.  Jari's worked up a procmail
lint service that works by enforcing a series of stylistic guidelines.

There's also a lint in Alan Stebbens' Procmail library. You can get
it from his mail autoresponder, or from <>

On the otherhand, it may be possible to at least generate explanations
for procmail control structures using the 'a', 'A', 'e', and 'E' flags
and braces.

I've been thinking for a long time that somebody ought to cook up a
good lint checker with a proper syntax parser (probably better
organized than Stephen's hand-crafted parser ;-) and a large database
of common misunderstandings about how certain things work. I had
planned to do it one of these years, but I wouldn't mind if somebody
else got there before me ...

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