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Re: Error while writing to logfile

1999-04-06 23:22:59
On Sat, 3 Apr 1999 11:45:22 -0500 (EST), "Justin C. Lloyd" 
<jcl(_at_)biogate(_dot_)com> wrote:

Strange.  It worked correctly when I ran the command on the mailhost,
as both myself and root, but not when I ran it from another machine.
  Two items...
  1) I think that procmail is paranoid about writing to actual files
     and refuses to write to links
  2) Are you using NFS?  My ISP has it working.  But did have similar
     problems during the switchover to NFS.

  NFS was presumably adopted to allow unlimited expansion.  There are
hacks all over the system.  E.g. passwd is non-standard, and changes
are distributed/updated to the system every two hours or so.  So a
password change doesn't implement immediately.  The main hassle is
that pine requires you to re-enter your password to login.  It
apparently doesn't grok passwords from "remote" machines, even on
the same ISP.

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