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Re: forward to itself mail box.

1999-04-14 03:46:21
Replying to message of Wed, 14 Apr 1999 14:47:09 +0800
        from "Dean Lin" <dean(_at_)ttn(_dot_)com(_dot_)tw>
        regarding ``forward to itself mail box.''
I know how to forward email to other mailbox account.
but if I want to forward email to other mailbox and myself mailbox.
how do I write the .procmailrc ?

say your other account is 'you(_at_)otheraccount(_dot_)com'

This just forwards to 'you(_at_)otheraccount(_dot_)com':

! you(_at_)otheraccount(_dot_)com

this forwards to 'you(_at_)otheraccount(_dot_)com'
        and leaves a copy locally (assuming this is all you are doing)

! you(_at_)otheraccount(_dot_)com

if you want to make sure you get a copy dumped in your INBOX (for example if  
you have other receipes you do not want to interfere)

        ! you(_at_)otheraccount(_dot_)com


see 'man procmailex' for issues about avoiding mail loops


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