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Re: procmail primeco text messaging

1999-04-15 16:16:54
Matthew Johnson asked,

| I need to be able to get email sent to my primeco phone.  The bad side of
| the service is that the message received is only the subject.  The first
| 100 chars. of the subject is received on the phone.

| I wish to have a recipe that when the subject contains pager, forwards a
| message to my primeco email address with the subject containing the
| original sender and the body of the original email.

:0c # Fork a clone; later recipes will save the whole original message.
* ^Subject:(.*\<)?pager\>
 :0 # find what we need and change NL's to spaces
 SENDERANDBODY=|formail -kzxFrom: | tr -s \\12\\15 \\40\\40

 :0 # truncate to 100 characters if necessary
 SENDERANDBODY ?? ^^\/..................................................\

 | formail -i"Subject: $SENDERANDBODY"

 ! pager_address

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