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Eliminating Linefeed embedded in a $MATCH result

1999-04-29 04:05:07

        I seem to be getting an linefeed stuck from time to time in

        What is the best method to eliminate embedded linefeeds?  I
already have $NL.

        Otherwise, how to limit a $MATCH to just a single line? I
currently have conditions like:

        * B ?? ()\/\<Foobars?\>

If "Foobar" is at the end of the line, $MATCH contains a linefeed.  Do
I have to add ".*$" at the end, to limit it to just the considered
line?  On the other hand, this may add too much to the $MATCH

        Thanks in advance,


Dr. Ralph P. Sobek                Disclaimer: The above ruminations are my own.
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