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Re: Saving copies of msgs in Fido format

1999-05-07 09:36:00
On Fri, 7 May 1999 15:37:50 +0000, Rejo 
Is there an easy way in procmail to save copies of incoming mail in
Fido style HMB, EZY, MSG, Squish or Jam format instead of the
standard Unix (Berckley?) format?

Uck. No, unless you manage to find an external mail saver which you
can invoke from Procmail, but then Procmail is not really required
here if I understand your question correctly.

As I recall the Fido MSG format is essentially just one file per
message, although the headers are (at least partly) in a curious (but
still fairly simple) binary format if memory serves. Somebody with a
basic knowledge of Perl and a couple of hours of "too much time" could
probably code up a MSG to RFC822 decoder for you if you can just find
the MSG spec (it's been a long time, don't remember those FTS numbers
anymore). Or you could cat the bodies of RFC822 messages after a
simple dummy header from a MSG message you'd get into a file somehow
(probably not too hard to write one directly in your text editor, if
you have the spec), if you are mainly interested in the contents and
not the headers.

I want to create some statistics about the messages posted to a
mailinglist. It should give an overview of the messages posted to the
list and they way people quote.

Recognizing quote styles is an interesting topic to itself. You could
even do this more or less directly in Procmail. If the body contains
strings that match ^( > ) save to folder one, if they match ^(>) save
to folder two, leading tabs, folder three, etc; then count the
messages in each folder (available from Procmail's log file directly
or with mailstat). Obviously you'd do this on a copy of the real list
in a scratch directory and clean up the folders when you have the
stats you want.

Hope this helps,

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