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Re: Unidentified subject!

1999-05-25 15:48:31
Well, I sent this letter out 5 days ago.  I could have sent it to each of
you via the post office and you would have received it earlier.  In any
case I've found my answer!


Glen Lee Edwards

"Linux, giving you the freedom to make the choice."

On Fri, 21 May 1999, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:

I'm new to procmail and to Linux. I'm using Red Hat 5.2.  I just set up a
.forward file and a .procmailrc file, both in my home directory.  At the
moment they appear to be working fine, as several incoming letters from
lists have been placed in the correct mail files.  I have two separate
userids that I need to forward letters to on my machine (at the moment I
have a one computer operation).  I need to know how to do this.  As I see
it I have two options:

1)  :0
    * ^To:.*userjo

2) :0
   * ^To:.*userjo
   ! jo(_at_)mymachine

I don't know if 1) will work because of file permissions.  I can't enter
jo's file from my userid, only from root.  Will procmail be able to place
mail addressed to me in jo's mail file if procmail has been triggered by
my userid?

Regarding 2), I don't know if the email address, jo(_at_)mymachine will work.
As I said, I'm new to Linux.  Will 2) work, or will the mail disappear
into cyberspace?



Glen Lee Edwards

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