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time zones

1999-05-25 16:24:32
Rik Kabel suggested,

| You can also tell your mail server to use the timezone of your choice in
| timestamping incoming messages if you are starting procmail from a .forward
| file. This is useful if you don't want to know where the server is, or if the
| server moves around a lot, or if you move around a lot, or some combination of
| these. I use the following .forward, which results in an E[SD]T timestamp in
| the From_ header of messages even though my server is P[SD]T:
|   "|IFS=' '; TZ=EST5EDT; export TZ && exec /usr/local/nuglops/bin/procmail 
-tf- MODE=prod || exit 75 #rik"

Good idea; one server I use extensively is in New York, and the time
difference is always an annoyance for me.  (Too bad this won't work with
crontab, though.)  My shell logins have TZ=CST6CDT, so the time in my shell
prompts is always Central, while mailx (the only MUA I can use there) always
displays the time from the postmark.  I guess the -f- option is necessary
for procmail to update the timestamp.

One question: shouldn't

"|IFS=' ' TZ=EST5EDT exec /usr/local/nuglops/bin/procmail -tf- MODE=prod || 
exit 75 #rik"

do the job (or maybe 'exec' has to go first?)?