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RFC: Procmail Debugging Tips Page

1999-05-30 13:42:18
This URL has been flashed on this list a couple of times already, but
I think it's now getting to the point where it might actually be
useful to some people. However, I'm sure there are things I have
overlooked or which could be phrased better. So -- please have a look
and tell me what you think. (Reply-To: directed to myself; feel free
to override if you think it's worth talking about on the list.)

The URL for this page is <>

You will notice this is separate from the Mini-FAQ. I'm not completely
sure this is the right way to do it but I guess now I'm stuck with
this URL at least.

(If you refer to the page, please use the URL rather than
whatever your browser resolves it to. This could and probably will
change in the relatively near future.)

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