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Re: perl-script

1999-07-15 13:13:39
If you're using Sendmail you can just create an
alias which pipes the headers and body of the e-mail
message directl to a perl script:

(in your aliases file):


Then, if the user sends the message to recoverpassword(_at_)yourdomain(_dot_)com
the perl script will be automatically executed. 

That may be a better solution.  Others thoughts and feedback
should be welcome as well.

At 05:26 PM 7/15/99 +0200, you wrote:
with procmail, I do a lot of administration with my
mail-on-demand-server (SuSE-LINUX).
For example, if members have forgotten their passwds, they can call a
script, click on "send passwd" and a mail is sent to me, Subject
"sendpasswdtome" and the only text is the email-Adress.
Once a day the file password.send is processed, and emails are generated
and sent out.
I would like to call a perl-script locally, and have it process the body
immediately, when the mail comes in.

:0 bw:
|sort -f

I am very weak with procmail, how can I alter the third line?
(---> perl-script-name email-adress)

Thank you,

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