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Re: Add footer and header to multipart message

1999-07-31 14:56:54

I tried doing the same from a PERL script but finally gave up.  The
difficulty is that different email programs use different formats, so I
was unable to find a consistent, reliable filter to use.  I settled on
inserting the list name in the subject section, and a footer at eof.  This
of course wasn't visible on multipart messages, but appeared without a
hitch on text messages.


On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Aris Mulyono wrote:


I'm managing a so-called mailing list by means of forwarding email to
sendmail /etc/aliases using procmail as my filter program but not using
any mailing list manager such as SmartList or majordomo.

I need to be able to to add footer and header to each message.
My problem is when the message is in multipart/* format the footer
and header is not shown in a MUA.
If message is in multipart I need to add footer/header in each part
of the message if such part's Content-Type is: text/* .
If a message's part is text/html: add html footer/header
and the same case for other text/* content-type.

I wonder if this capability is already there in some mailing list 
manager so that I don't have to reinvent the wheel.
Better yet if someone had already written such filter in procmail
recipe the would be great.

Thanks in advance.

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