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1999-08-12 12:33:57
References: <37AD6716(_dot_)E9B594C8(_at_)halden(_dot_)net> 
X-Reply-to: msaroff(_at_)pobox(_dot_)com
Reply-to: msaroff(_at_)pobox(_dot_)com
X-Mailer: Z-Mail (3.2.0 26oct94 MediaMail)
To: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Andreas_Bergstr=F8m?= <abergstr(_at_)halden(_dot_)net>
Subject: Re: Autoresponder not doing what it is supposed to.
Cc: procmail(_at_)Informatik(_dot_)RWTH-Aachen(_dot_)DE
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
Content-Description: Text
Content-Type: text/plain ; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
X-Zm-Decoding-Hint: mimencode -q -u 

On Aug 12,  7:04pm, Andreas Bergstr=F8m wrote:
Subject: Autoresponder not doing what it is supposed to.

[ text/plain
  Encoded with "quoted-printable" ] :
I have and autoresponder which is supposed to sen back
my public pgp key when someone e-mails pgp(_at_)spambuster(_dot_)dhs(_dot_)org
but it doesn't seem to be working. What is wrong?
Thanks in advance.

The recipie
* ^TO.*pgp*
* !^Subject:.*Re:
| (formail -r ; cat pgp.asc) | $SENDMAIL -oi -t
        A couple of things off the bat:
*       You really need to add a flag to keep it from possibly going into an
infinite loop.  I've mailbombed myself.  It really ticked off my sysop.
*       Put each operation on another line and escape the return, it makes it
more readable.
*       Have you set the variable $SENDMAIL to /usr/bin/sendmail, or whatever
it's location is?
* ^TO.*pgp*
* !^Subject:.*Re:
* !^X-Loop: abergstr(_at_)halden\(_dot_)net
| (formail -r \
-I"X-Loop: abergstr(_at_)halden(_dot_)net";\
echo "";\
cat pgp.asc) | $SENDMAIL -oi -t

        I added a loop and a blank line between the header and body, though the
line might be redundant.

        Here is a recipe that I use to send back a file attachment with MIME,
it might be museful for some quick and dirty file serving, etc.

#This sends my resume as a mime attachment to anyone who wants a
#copy of my resume in PDF (Acrobat) format
* ^Subject:.*send pdf resume
* !^X-Loop: msaroff(_at_)pca\(_dot_)net
| (formail -r \
     -I"X-Loop: msaroff(_at_)pca(_dot_)net"\
     -I"MIME-Version: 1.0"\
     -I"Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=3D\"fls3jekls3=3D_sd3\"";=
   echo "--fls3jekls3=3D_sd3";\
   echo "Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=3DUS-ASCII";\
   echo "";\
   cat $HOME/pdf.rsp;\
   echo "--fls3jekls3=3D_sd3";\
   echo "Content-Type: APPLICATION/PDF; name=3D\"saroffm.pdf\"";\
   echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64";\
   echo "Content-Description:";\
   echo "";\
   /usr/bin/mimencode -b $HOME/saroffm.pdf;\
   echo "--fls3jekls3=3D_sd3--") | $SENDMAIL -t

-- =

Matthew Saroff
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