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Re: Forwarding to a second email account

1999-08-29 12:59:20
Colin Raven suggested for a shy friend of William McQueen's,

| So, a recipe that reads like so:
|   :0:
|   * ^From.*joe
|   * ^Subject:.*Inventory
|  in-inventory
| Just chucks mail from Joe concerning Inventory into a file called
| in-inventory.
| If I was elsewhere, and needed to read mail from Joe which concerned
| inventory, but wanted to keep a copy in that same folder as above, I'd do
| something like this;
|   :0

make that  :0c  so that a copy will be forwarded,

|   * ^From.*joe
|   * ^Subject.*Inventory
|   ! me(_at_)my_new_home(_dot_)com
|       :0 A

and that  :0A:  because the local lockfile will still be needed.

|       in-inventory

Otherwise, I think Colin's covered it.

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