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Re: formail --filter-body-through

1999-09-06 14:31:34
On Mon, 6 Sep 1999, era eriksson wrote:

Try something like

    :0 c w :wortbasarlock   # not sure if you can use a local lock file here?
I thought I needed one to prevent simultaneous writing of temporary files
by several procmail processes.  But now, since you helped me eliminate the
temporary files, I no longer need a lock. 

    * ^To: wortbasar@
        | wortbasar

        | formail -rkb -A "Precedence: junk" -A "X-Loop: test" \
                -A "From: wortbasar(_at_)a2e(_dot_)de | $SENDMAIL -oi -t

The idea is very simple, this is one of the three or so forms of
autoreply generation in common use. (Perhaps there should be an
example of it in procmailex, too.)

In the latest procmailex manpage (1996/12/21, found in SuSE Linux 6.2)  
there seems to be no such example.
Hope this helps,

Yes, it does the job.  Thank you.


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