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Re: forgive me if this is obvious

1999-09-07 06:58:05
From: Jacques Goldsmith <jackg(_at_)calfp(_dot_)com>

I am trying to do the following (simple thing I assumed):

:0 B c
* ^For.*:.* ROBERT
* !^X-Loop: Postmaster(_at_)calfp(_dot_)com
| formail -A "X-Loop: Postmaster(_at_)calfp(_dot_)com" | $SENDMAIL -oi jackg

Note: The For is in the body, not the header

When I do this, I get
csh: Permission denied

If I change the last line to just:
| $SENDMAIL -oi jackg

I do not get the error.

I put your recipe in my .procmailrc and it worked, sending
me (in place of "jackg") a blank message.

First question: is formail's path defined in your .procmailrc
(before the recipe)?  Second: Why are you using csh
as the shell within procmail?  I would recommend that
you stick to sh by setting the shell in your .procmailrc.
You will not be able to use tildes for dirname completion,
however, though you should be able to use $HOME.

    \     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     /
      '-'     '-'     '-'     '-'     '-'     '-'     '-'     '-'

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