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Re: Munging up the subject line

1999-09-30 07:17:16
Thanks to all for the advice.
I'm now using (these modern features!  What will they think of next?):

LISTS = '(devteam|news|...)'
INCLUDERC = $PMSRC/pm-jasubject.rc

* $ ^TO_()\/$LISTS
* $ LISTS ?? ()\/$\MATCH

and getting messages about 'Exceeded LINEBUF'.  Any suggestions on
what I'm doing wrong?

procmail: Assigning "MATCH="
procmail: Matched "Subject: [News] Interesing Article"
procmail: Match on "^\/()Subject:.*"
procmail: Match on "no"
procmail: No match on "yes"
procmail: Exceeded LINEBUF
procmail: Assigning "PROCMAIL_OVERFLOW=yes"
procmail: Assigning "PROCMAIL_OVERFLOW=yes"
procmail: Assigning "dummy=

 subroutine: (pm-jasubject.rc) end