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Re: eliminate duplicate mail from alias

1999-11-21 10:55:24
Jakob Solomon asked,

| there is an alias which I am a member in,
| whenever I send e-mail to myalias(_at_)mydomain(_dot_)com
| I receive the e-mail although I was the sender

| Does any one know how can I eliminate e-mail sent
| from me to an alias which I'm a member of , so
| I won't get this e-mail

The most straightforward way is to se if From: is you and To: or Cc:
is the alias --

  * ^From:.*\>jakob(_at_)finjan\(_dot_)com
  * ^TO_myalias(_at_)domain\(_dot_)com

But if you do that be sure to use a logfile and to have LOGABSTRACT set to
ALL or ON; otherwise you'll have no trace of having received your returning
copy and you won't know whether your message ever got sent to the alias at

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