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Re: Procmail Help !!!

2000-01-26 20:20:25
Sandeep R wrote:

Here is the listing of testing.rc
* ^From:(_dot_)*rsandeepepage(_at_)yahoo(_dot_)com

Here is the log
procmail: Assigning "INCLUDERC=/users/rsandeep/Procmail/testing.rc"
procmail: Match on "^From:(_dot_)*rsandeepepage(_at_)yahoo(_dot_)com"
procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=/usr/lib/sendmail"
From rsandeepepage(_at_)yahoo(_dot_)com  Tue Jan 25 22:35:33 2000
  Folder: /usr/lib/sendmail                               1503
procmail: Executing "/usr/lib/sendmail,"
procmail: Notified comsat: "rsandeep@:/usr/lib/sendmail"

Are you running procail version 3.14? That version had a problem with
bang (!) actions without a space after the bang.

Workaround: rewrite action with whitespace after the !.
Solution: Upgrade to 3.15 as soon as it is released.

Rik Kabel          Old enough to be an adult              

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