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Re: Grabbing a field in a variable and then matching on this variable...

2000-02-10 08:59:06
era eriksson <era(_at_)iki(_dot_)fi> writes:

Yes, and the solution is slightly simpler than what you have, although
the syntax is a bit awkward.

The key to it all is the \/ grabbing operator. With that, we don't
need the call to formail, and if we turn your pseudocode into actual
Procmail syntax, we get

    :0 # The \/ says, "if we have a match, save the part that follows"
    * ^Delivered-To:[ ]*\/[^  ]+(_at_)foo\(_dot_)com
        # The string that matched the regex after \/ is now in $MATCH

        # Keep a copy in DELIVERED

        # Rename the Delivered-To: field to Old-Delivered-To:
        :0fwh  # added a w flag -- always a good idea
        | formail -i "Delivered-To:"

        # Now deliver according to what was in Delivered-To:
        * DELIVERED ?? bar(_at_)foo\(_dot_)com
        ! a

        * DELIVERED ?? bloo(_at_)foo(_dot_)com
        ! b

Great... I even added a couple of "improvements/bugs"

* ^Delivered-To:[       ]*\/[^  ]+(_at_)ingrand\(_dot_)net
        DELIVERED=`echo $MATCH | sed -e 's/@ingrand\.net$//' -e 
's/^redirect-//' -e 's/^ingrand\.net%//'`

        # now DELIVERED contains the "user" name only

        # Rename the Delivered-To: field to Old-Delivered-To:
        :0fwh  # added a w flag -- always a good idea
        | formail -i "Delivered-To:"

        # Now deliver according to what was in Delivered-To:
        * DELIVERED ?? felix

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Professional:                      Jean Luc Godard

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