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Grabbing a field in a variable and then matching on this variable...

2000-02-10 03:51:38

Basically, what I want is to find mail with a particular field, grab the
field, remove (or rename it) and then match against the variable value (I
cannot match the header, I removed it...)

Here is the idea:

* ^Delivered-To:(_dot_)*(_at_)foo\(_dot_)com
DELIVERED=`formail -xDelivered-To:`   
        :0 fh
        | formail -i "Delivered-To:"
        * $DELIVERED matches bar(_at_)foo(_dot_)com
        !  a
        * $DELIVERED matches bloo(_at_)foo(_dot_)com
        !  b


So my basic question is: can I have a rule to match a procmail variable
against a regexp.

Thanks in advance,

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Professional:                      Jean Luc Godard

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