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Re: Lock Files

2000-02-14 19:19:39
On Mon, 14 Feb 2000, Philip Guenther wrote:

pg> "S.Toms" <tomas(_at_)primenet(_dot_)com> writes:
pg> >  That depends on how the lock is created. If you don't sepcify the name
pg> >to use for a lock file, then it will be created using the name of the
pg> >mailfolder with .lock appended to the end. But all locks should appear in
pg> >the same location as the mailfolder the message is being placed in as 
pg> >long as the MAILDIR variable hasn't changed during the parsing of
pg> >that particular message. For example, the following:
pg> When using locallockfiles (as opposed to the 'regional' LOCKFILE
pg> variable), it is impossible for MAILDIR to change between the setting
pg> of the lock and the delivery.

  You know, I wasn't positive about that, seemed kinda weird but the 
description in the man page kinda gives the idea it can be changed at any

pg> >    :0:
pg> >    * Subject:.*
pg> >    Inbox
pg> That will create a lockfile named "Inbox.lock" (or more precisely, the
pg> lockfile name will be the expansion of "Inbox$LOCKEXT".  LOCKEXT has a
pg> default value of ".lock" and is basically never changed, so the above
pg> is a rather safe statement.)
pg> >so if the MAILDIR variable is called out in your procmailrc file like the
pg> >following:
pg> >
pg> >   MAILDIR=$HOME/mail
pg> >
pg> >then it would create a Inbox.lock file like this:
pg> >
pg> >   $MAILDIR/Inbox.lock
pg> Um, not exactly.  When you set MAILDIR to be $HOME/mail, the procmail
pg> process will actually change its default directory to the expansion of
pg> "$HOME/mail" via the chdir(2) system call.  When it then creates the
pg> lockfile "Inbox.lock", it'll end up in the directory $HOME/mail, but the
pg> path by procmail is relative.  This can make a differance if directories

  Ahh, I always thought it was explicit. So when procmail starts out,
where exactly is it relative to? .../bin/procmail, $HOME, or where the
.procmailrc file is located?  ( ... represents wherever )

pg> are moved around while mail is delivered and is also a performance
pg> enhancement -- absolute paths require more work on the kernel's side.

  So you could actually get better perfromance or quicker delivery by
assinging the correct location to MAILDIR then. Thanks, something for me
to look at

pg> >  If you name the lock as in the following:
pg> >
pg> >    :0: Blah
pg> >    * Subject:.*
pg> >    Inbox
pg> >
pg> >then a lock file called blah.lock would be created in the MAILDIR location
pg> >instead.
pg> No, the lockfile will be named "Blah".  Lockfile names are case-sensitive
pg> and the ".lock" prefix is appended if and only if the lockfile name was
pg> implicitly determined (that is, if no name was give after the second
pg> colon, causing procmail to extract the filename from the action line).

 Heh, oops, that was a typo :/

pg> >  Someone be sure to slap me if I messed this up in any way :) at least
pg> >thats the way I understood it from the procmailrc(5) man page.
pg> The above was not meant to sting, as your exaplanation was actually
pg> fairly good.  You just need to watch the details.

  Thanks, I'm still learning and by posting what I did know, I found out
how accurate I was which helps me even more.

pg> Philip Guenther

        S.Toms - tomas(_at_)primenet(_dot_)com -
                   SuSE Linux v6.3+ - Kernel 2.2.14

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today.  It's already
tomorrow in Australia.
                -- Charles Schultz

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