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Re: msgid.cache woes, it bugged out

2000-03-28 09:14:59
Jason Helfman writes:
One day it was working lovely, and it just decided to stop working.. I
was using it for so long that I didn't even worry about it, and when it
stopped, I had too much work to do to look into it. I am running the
same script at home and it works flawlessly, same versions of

I keep receiving the same messages over and over again...


:0 Wh:msgid.lock
| formail -D 8192 msgid.cache


 This is dangerous, as it leaves you open to mail loss. A better solution
 is in the procmailex man page.

attaching my log seems to me that the cache isn't being
procmail: Locking "msgid.lock"
procmail: Executing "formail,-D,8192,msgid.cache"
procmail: Program failure (1) of "formail"

 Procmail probably cannot find formail. You need to set PATH
 accordingly in .procmailrc.

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