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Re: auto-reply safeguards

2000-04-24 16:50:50
At 11:45 2000-04-24 -0700, Dallman Ross wrote:

but I'd like to know if this is SOP for Lotus Notes, or a bad
configuration, or what?  Two have come in so far like this.

IMO, Lotus produces the least compliant mailers out there (cc:Mail, and Notes). If you want REALLY ugly, check a Lotus bounce sometime -- the damn thing doesn't include the ACTUAL address to which the message was attempted, but instead (if you're 'lucky'), has the INTERNAL mailer address (often without even identifying the original mailed-to domain, if the organization has multiple domain names - i.e. the postmaster address may not be the same domain you mailed to). Dealing with Lotus bounces as a listadmin can be rather aggravating.

Besides being lousy on the compliance side, they're also miserable clients, and the source of many autoreplies to lists, because the autoreply rule generation facilities don't have any basic "don't reply to listmail" type options (considering they market to corporate IS, one would think that this would be an obvious feature to implement).

Having said all that, I'd have to say that the crummy receipt replies are probably SOP for Lotus.

 Please DO NOT carbon me on list replies.  I'll get my copy from the list.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering
 Post Box 2395 / San Rafael, CA  94912-2395

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