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2000-06-29 15:31:50

There's a problem with the solution suggested by David, it seems to

If any kind of additional part qualifies as a file attachment,
perhaps this will do the job:

  * HOST ?? server_that_should_handle_only_single-part_messages
  * ^Content-Type:.*multipart
  ! $LOGNAME(_at_)other(_dot_)server

I get many messages from public free mailing-space such as hotmail.
The text of those messages is sent two times within the message --
once in an HTML-version and once as plain text.

(By the way, as I use the good old text-oriented pine for reading my
mail, I would really love to get rid of the html-part, it seems to be
an unnecessary waste of net ressources and disk space anyway...
Deleting the html-part within pine when saving it to a specific folder
makes the message contain only an indication of an "attachment", wich
is the plain text, and I have to open the body separetedly --
ennerving...  I havn't set up procmail for pre-filtering the mail yet
:-<, also because I like to have the "answer"-flag set before saving
the message to the final folder for not loosing control -- is there a
smart way to get this done automatically by procmail?...)

Coming back to the point: As the two versions of what I would call the
body of the mail are treated as different parts, all these messages
have a header-line that maches "^Content-Type:.*multipart", although
only some of them have an attachment proper.

This opens two questions:

a) Is there a better criterium for ruling out only messages with a
   REAL attachment, not a plain-text and a html-version?

b) Is there a way to make procmail or auxiliary programs pre-process
   the mail in a way that the body contains only the
   plain-text-version, and the header-lines
   "^Content-Type:.*multipart" get deleted, exept in cases when there
   are real attachments?

I know I'm a bloody greenhorn with this, got into the list just some
days ago...  but I can't remember any comment on a program that
`messes around' with the body of the mail, separating its parts,
deleting some, and adapt the headers properly.  There should be some
smart perl-scripts to handle this, shouldn't there?

All the best


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