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Procmail Robot + Database

2000-08-04 07:24:42

What I need to do is a litle bit hard (at least for me).
I need a system in which  a user (1) sends an e-mail to a predefined e-mail
adress (2) , then it should get forwarded to another e-mail adress (robot)
(3) , that answers to the e-mail adress (2), and that sends the answerd
e-mail back to user (1)
The user should see only the answer from adress (2)

I allready got an answer like:
to install a procmail script as (2) recipient.
The script should:
* If the mail is not from (3) then store msgid->sender_address
mapping in local database [e.g. hash database as used by sendmail
- perl modules are available] and forward to (3)
* If the mail is from (3) then get msgid of the email the robot
replied to (last msgid in References: header), from local database
get (1) address, remove any headers which may give
away (3) address, send message

Thr Problem is : I don´t know how to write to database. I allready read, but I can´t get a start.

Does anybody have an idea ? Or a different solution ?

Thank you

Andrei Gologan

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