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Re: Loop difficulty

2000-08-12 20:50:31
I appreciate the time you are taking with me. I will try to do a better job of communicating.

The first part of the recipe runs fine ie. the email is received and placed in the proper folder. Specifically this runs fine and the mail is put in the right place:

# Filter mail from special and send notice
:0 hc
* ^FROM(_dot_)*special(_at_)ez(_dot_)net

However when I add this snippet procmail goes into an endless loop for no apparent reason:

# Part two
:0 h
* ^FROM(_dot_)*special(_at_)ez(_dot_)net
| $HOME/

Why does it do this?

At 16:54 2000-08-12 -0700, Stephen J. Schilt wrote:
Thank you for the effort. Unfortunately I get the same result as before. The script goes into a loop and the incoming file is never delivered to DEFAULT. Any other ideas would be appreciated.

Well, what if you DON'T call the notice script. I specifically changed the order of delivery such that the message should be stored to the default folder BEFORE calling the script.

Please describe the "loop" issue (refer to my original post where I inquired why you call this a loop difficulty without describing *ANYTHING* about looping).

Try turning on verbose logging and examine what procmail is doing:


(this script)


(i..e. you don't need to have VERBOSE on for EVERYTHING).

You might also try setting the 'i' flag for the rule that calls the notification script. Perhaps it isn't actually reading the message, and thus the message 'fails' to deliver, and is picked up by another rule further down your procmailrc.

        | $HOME/

See 'man procmailrc' for info on the flags.

 Please DO NOT carbon me on list replies.  I'll get my copy from the list.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering
 Post Box 2395 / San Rafael, CA  94912-2395

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* Stephen J. Schilt - Internet Easy
* Internet Training, Programming & Web Services
* steve(_at_)ez(_dot_)net *
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