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Re: conditional (on output of another program) forwarding

2000-09-14 20:48:00
Cory followed up,

| That was my first thought.  Unfortunately, I lose ssh connections
| often (don't know if it's my windows box or my cable modem provider)
| and wasn't sure if dropped sessions would be noticed.  I figured this
| would be the most reliable method.  My shell is bash.

That's true; I sometimes lose my connection, reconnect, and find that some
executable that is a child of my old login shell didn't take the signal, so
the login shell didn't die either.  Then I have to kill the processes that
are keeping it alive, and it finally exits and runs its trap.

So if any mail came in between the time you got dropped and the time you
logged back in, the $HOME/.${LOGNAME}isinthehouse file would still exist and
procmail would think you were on line; however, it seems to me that finger
and who would also believe you were on line, so procmail can't take their
word for it either.

All right, folks, how does one tell the difference between a login shell that
should have exited but didn't and one that is still in interactive use?

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