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Re: setting spool to $HOME/.mailspool/$LOGNAME

2000-09-24 02:22:49

On Sat, 23 Sep 2000, David W. Tamkin wrote:

Please help a person who knows no C.

I want to compile procmail to use as a customer on a system where the default
mailbox is $HOME/.mailspool/$LOGNAME.  How does one set the variables in
src/authenticate.c to do that?

Is it something like (after uncommenting it)

#define MAILSPOOLHOME "/.mailspool/"LOGNAME

or thereabouts?  Or maybe

#define MAILSPOOLDIR  HOME"/.mailspool/"

like that?

It looks like MAILSPOOLHOME is the one you want to redefine.  However,
LOGNAME doesn't appear to be a macro.  I don't know much about
procmail's internals, but it looks like LOGNAME and HOME are defined
at runtime.  Perhaps using getenv?

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