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Re: procmail & sendmail aliases

2000-09-29 12:02:54
Corey <corey(_at_)axcelerant(_dot_)com> writes:

I've noticed that whenever mail which is aliased by
sendmail ( /etc/aliases ) as either a file or a
pipe to a program, that procmail will complain about
being unable to write to the log file:

Sep 29 10:07:48 smtp sendmail[11343]: e8TH7mU11343: to="|/usr/local/majordomo/
wrapper resend -l neotac neotac-list", 
ctladdr=<neotac(_at_)axcelerant(_dot_)com> (2/0), d
elay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=prog, pri=30024, dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent
Sep 29 10:07:48 smtp procmail[11348]: Error while writing to "/var/log/procmai

When run from the aliases file, sendmail invokes procmail as the default
user specified in the, probably either "daemon", "mail", or
"sendmail".  Figure out which one it is, create a new logfile
("/var/log/procmail.aliases.log"?) that is writable by that user and
then use that in those rcfiles.  *Don't* set the default user to root!

Philip Guenther

procmail mailing list

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