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Re: Non-zero exitcode (153)

2000-10-23 12:54:14
Collin recommended to Chuck,

| One way to check this would be to make sure formail is in your path
| and change the recipe from 
|   | $FORMAIL ... >>$INET
| to 
|   | formail ... >> $INET
| which I *think* will skip invoking the shell.

No, it will still invoke a shell, because a redirector is present.  Procmail
needs a shell's help for any of the following:

redirecting input from a file or output to a file ("<" and ">")
globbing filenames ("*", "?", and "[")
backgrounding ("&")
anything involving connecting two commands (piping, sequencing, conjunction,
 or disjunction: in other words, "|", ";", "&&", and "||")
expanding tilde-syntax to user's or another's home directory ("~")

Those characters make up the default value of the SHELLMETAS variable; if
procmail finds a character from $SHELLMETAS in a command string, it asks
$SHELL to take care of it.  Sometimes those characters have other meanings,

Though a shell is still invoked, I agree with Collin's advice to call pro-
grams by their basenames.  That way procmail (or the shell if a shell is
invoked) can search all the directories in $PATH for the name.  If you use
a full path or a variable whose value is the full path, you might have it
wrong, or the sysadmin may have moved the program.

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