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Re: atach???

2000-10-24 06:09:52
   It's working, but one thing, how I can receive a message of alert  from
the server in my mail address to know wich user was
   infected and who was send it...?
   I need too , how to send the attached to space because the procmail
create a file "/home/user/dead.letter " with the mensage and the attached?
   Best Regards

This file is extremely long and involved.  Some questions:

1. Is 'perl' in your $PATH?
   R: yes

2. Turn on LOGABSTRACT; then send a message (with attachments) through
   procmail.  Does the LOGFILE tell you anything about where the
   message went?
     R: It's ok

3. If #2 didn't help, turn on VERBOSE (i.e., insert "VERBOSE=yes"
   before "INCLUDERC=..."  above); then run a message (with
   attachments) through procmail.  Now, what does the log file tell
   you about the message?  Does it say where it got dropped?  Look at
   the places in the log where it says "Assigning STATUS= xxxxx" and
   compare that to what you see in the html-trap.procmail file.
    R: It's ok
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